Friday, 8 February 2013

Litspiration Challenge #2

 This is a scene from the book The Gathering. It is meant to show the prologue. I think that this event in the book is what drives the book. On the right it shows Serena, having the life sucked out of her, and on the left is Maya. In the book it says that she felt something like a hand around her leg, pulling her down. She is also pulled under for a while and the thing doesn't let go until she hits the bottom. To draw this was incredibly tough for me because I am personally NOT an artist so this drawing took me quite a while to finish. I will not say whether Serena, or Maya, die. For that, you will have to read the book!


  1. Is that a hand pulling someone into water? Creepy!! I wish you had included the quotations that "litspired" you to draw this so I could see your visualization come to life!

  2. WOAH! Maitri! That’s a really good drawing! I like how you explained why you chose this specific image to represent the scene and the rest of the book! It’s really cool to see the image and visualize what might have been happening at the time. This picture really makes me want to read the book! Also I like the way you’ve organized your blog overall! Your background theme is really cool and different (I like it)! Would you recommend this book to others? Did you enjoy it? Just Wondering! :)

    1. Thanks Haniya! I would definitely recommend this book, but before you start reading The Gathering, you might want to read the series before, starting with The Summoning, so that this trilogy makes more since, but it is up to you :)

  3. Hello Maitri,

    That's an amazing drawing for someone who isn't an artist. You have a great talent. I think the drawing really connected to the book. What a great way to for-show what the writer was trying to show. Would you recommend this book this book even if they like other genres of books?
    Great listspiration challenge, very unique!

  4. Your drawing is really good! The effort you put in definitely showed! At first glance I was a bit confused what was happening in the picture but your description was very clear and now I want to read the book! That hand is very creepy, and now I want to know what happens! Really good job!

  5. Great Drawing Maitri,
    But the explanation is a bit confusing because you say "On the right it shows Serena, having the life sucked out of her" and in the picture you don't show it, however you show her lying down on sand so the thing I think would make this better is if you'd show whats sucking the life out of her

    1. They are actually underwater... I didn't want to color it because I thought it would ruin the affect I was trying to bring out.
